About us

Our purpose.

We want to improve the world with the tools of entrepreneurship by:

Enabling underrepresented individuals to become founders: displaced people, single parents, and people with disabilities.
Developing business models with deep purpose and high impact.
Creating social startups that improve societies for everyone.
Proving more sustainable ventures are more sustainable investments.
Contributing to a business ecosystem that builds a better future.

Where we come from

Our story.

It all started with an emergency voicemail from Ukraine. On February 25, 2022 my dear friend Maksym asked me to pick up his highly pregnant sister, his girlfriend, and both their moms from the Ukrainian-Romanian border. One emergency C-section, four days of driving, and 3.000 km later, we arrived in Leipzig with 11 people and an injured dog.

In the following weeks I’ve witnessed the most remarkable showcase of humanity. Thousands of individuals helped to supply displaced people from Ukraine with shelter, food, supplies, and human warmth. Volunteer groups build hyper agile, digital networks and took on the challenge to organize the help. Companies provided free workspace to displaced freelancers and gave them the opportunity to take care of themselves.

They and countless others did incredible dealing with the consequences of Russia’s criminal invasion of Ukraine. Their actions showed what individuals and organizations can achieve if they take responsibility and collaborate for the common good. This experience led me to realize we need more of this as a society: creating added value for everyone.

Alexander Hertel, Founder & CEO

Who we work with

Our partners.

We believe in ecosystems. That is why we are partnering up with companies, administrations, research facilities and investors to co-create Public Value. Partnerships can involve a variety of joint activities: from events to collaboration on technological solutions to co-funding of specific programs for underrepresented groups. Are you interested in learning more and becoming a partner? We are open to discussing your options.